I got it from Thor's Templates, which are the best anywhere! Check my links for the link ...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Alito Confirmed

So, Alilto has been confirmed. I really held out hope for a miracle. But, damn, damn, damn. I really fear for this country. I hope that Alito is a decent Justice, but, you know, I really think he won't be. I wish that when people lie to the US Senate that there are consequences - like bam, you are out. Something needs to be done about this.

That someone can steal the White House and wreck havoc on this country and this world for years to come is just so wrong. Sometimes I wonder about the America we learned about when I was a kid and I just cry. Back when Bush stole the White House from Al Gore, we knew it would be bad, but, I don't think anyone could imagine how bad. I worry so much about the world my daughter will live in.

Monday, January 30, 2006

State of the Union Fantasy Again

Hah - I liked this post so much when I wrote it last week, I am moving it up. It's that good.

When Bush gives his State of the Union Address, here is what I want to happen. When he tells his first lie, let it go. When he tells his second, (and you know he will) I want a couple of Democrats to snicker. Laugh. Chuckle. Then I want it to spread, let all the Democrats, both House and Senate just Laugh out Loud. I mean Rolling on Floor Laughing out Loud. Then I want them to all wallk out in mass. I want half or more of the media filiming it to be so shocked they stop covering the speech and turn and follow the politicans out to find out why. Then they carry their comments live on TV, leaving Fox to cover Bush who is gasping and stunned and no longer able to talk properly, but he resorts to cursing and swearing. That's all.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Chicago Tribune | Oprah knows good TV, and that's no lie

Chicago Tribune | Oprah knows good TV, and that's no lie

Actually, the Chicago Tribune has good coverage of the Oprah/Frey deal. This links to one, but, others on the site are also good.

I have one more comment - I watched Oprah yesterday and kept waiting for a couple things that didn't come up. One - did Frey market the book as fiction and only pushed it as a non fiction memoir after receiving multiple rejections (as fiction). And, two, Oprah needed to tell him and Nan Telese (publisher) that her name and any mention of the book club is to be removed from all further copies. And, for copies in the store - Random House needs to make a sticker to cover the Oprah Book Club label on the books - make it clear that he has been booted from the Book Club and with that tell Frey he needs to donate the money made by being an Oprah Book to a charity approved by her.
It seems like I am never going to be good at gathering all kinds of news and commenting on them. I suppose I am a bit too lazy. Plus, once I started this blog, I realized that while I am fascinated by true crime and read a lot of it, it depresses the hell out of me. Stories I have started to follow and all just get to me.

The latest - the Rachel Entwistle case. For all the story, either Google her name, or go here - http://huffcrimeblog.com/
As usual, Steve Huff has all the story. Do read the last few days of his blog, and the comments. This is one of those cases I just don't know about. Nutshell - a young mother and her baby were found shot to death in their bed in their new home in an upscale neighborhood near Boston. Her husband, a native of England, is missing, and it seems flew back to England between the time anyone last spoke with Rachel and the time the bodies were found. But, it seems that the husband was running several Internet scams - on eBay and on his own websites. No one knows if Rachel was aware of or involved with these scams. It appears her name was at least used on the eBay account that was used earlier this month to scam eBayers out of money. Much is being made of his not hopping the next flight home after learning of the murders.

According to Nancy Grace, this means hubby is guilty. And, yes, we have seen so many murders recently where the husband did it. However, as some of the commentors on Huff's blog mention, I don't want to always instantly assume the husband did it. This really bugs me as if he didn't, he is sure being painted with the brush of guilt. Maybe he is scared to come back to the US. Maybe someone he scammed did kill the wife and child to hurt him. Maybe Maybe Maybe. Right now there are just too many maybes and I really wish we could get back to innocent until proven guilty.

That is what bugs me about Nancy Grace. I don't love her, I don't hate her. But, I confess to a fascination with her. My husband, by the way, really doesn't care for her. She is so strident, which is amazing to me, for a Southern woman. I guess screaming brings ratings. Nancy needs to try to present two sides (or more) and not scream at anyone who dares disagree with her. Also, last week I watched (and I am not proud of this) while Nancy did two, not one, but TWO nights on the Tara Grinstead case. http://www.findtara.com/

Of course, I am very sorry that Ms. Grinstead is missing. I am sorry when anyone is. I wish this would stop. Although I am not sure we really have more per capita missing today, or we just have more ways to learn about it. But, I am really really sick and tired of the only ones getting MSM attention are young white women. Two nights?? Nancy, do you not have any grace and compassion? Mention the big names - Tara, Natalie Holloway, but give time to more missing people. Don't just devote all that air time to girls that remind you of you. Be a real advocate for the missing.

Of course, lately there is a missing person getting a lot of MSM attention, that doesn't fit the profile of young , white and female. I refer to George Smith IV http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8659573/
or Google his name. Okay, I am again, very sorry this man is missing. But, how much air time does one person get? If they have something really new to report, fine, but hour after hour (and Joe Scarborough is really into this story)?

Finally, lately Joe Scarborough is really in to the James Frey/Oprah story. Google James Frey or click here for articles that will give the lowdown. http://www.salon.com/ent/col/fix/2006/01/27/fri/
(If you aren't a Salon Premium subscriber you should be or view it as a day pass). Joe is all concerned about Frey lying. Okay, Joe, let me spell it out. When you live in a country currently headed by someone who lies constantly how on earth do you expect people to get upset when someone lies their ways to millions??? The Bush Administration has hurt this country in more ways than one. How do you teach children to tell the truth when their government doesn't? Why not do a show on that Joe?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

State of the Union Fantasy

When Bush gives his State of the Union Address, here is what I want to happen. When he tells his first lie, let it go. When he tells his second, (and you know he will) I want a couple of Democrats to snicker. Laugh. Chuckle. Then I want it to spread, let all the Democrats, both House and Senate just Laugh out Loud. I mean Rolling on Floor Laughing out Loud. Then I want them to all wallk out in mass. I want half or more of the media filiming it to be so shocked they stop covering the speech and turn and follow the politicans out to find out why. Then they carry their comments live on TV, leaving Fox to cover Bush who is gasping and stunned and no longer able to talk properly, but he resorts to cursing and swearing. That's all.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Michael Schiavo Remarries

News From The Associated Press

"AFETY HARBOR, Fla. (AP) -- Michael Schiavo, whose brain-damaged wife was at the center of a contentious end-of-life battle that played out on a worldwide media stage, has remarried, family members said.

Schiavo married his longtime girlfriend Jodi Centonze on Saturday in a private church ceremony, said John Centonze, the brother of the bride." (more at above link)

Congratulations and I hope that they have a long and happy life together. He went through so much and she stood by him. The things said about him were just horrible. They deserve happiness out of the public eye.

West Wing Cancelled

News From The Associated Press

This makes me really sad, as I LOVE The West Wing. I watched it last night and commented as I do weekly, that I wished Martin Sheen was President. I am conflicted. I am not sure if I want Martin Sheen himself or Jeb Bartlett, the character he plays on TWW. At any rate, for one hour every week, I can pretend we live in a nation with a wise and kind leader.

Damn. Double Damn. On one hand, I have kind of had a feeling this would happen. But, on the other hand, I was hoping they would have Santos win the election and continue on. I really like Jimmy Smits. Then you have the possibility that Alan Alda's character could win and show real life Republicans how to be decent and not lie and do all the evil things they do in real life.

I have watched this show from day one, don't think I missed many, if any episodes and soon it will be history. I hope the creators of this come up with something wonderful to take the place of one of the greatest TV shows ever.

I do like Commander In Chief. I like it a lot. But, I enjoyed both. I hope Commander in Chief is with us a long time.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Child Welfare Workers Are Suspended After Death of Girl - New York Times

Child Welfare Workers Are Suspended After Death of Girl - New York Times

Good, but, not nearly enough. Everyone of them, should be locked in room and treated like Nixzmary. Along with her killer and her so called mother.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Imperial Presidency at Work - New York Times

Published: January 15, 2006

"You would think that Senators Carl Levin and John McCain would have learned by now that you cannot deal in good faith with a White House that does not act in good faith. Yet both men struck bargains intended to restore the rule of law to American prison camps. And President Bush tossed them aside at the first opportunity." for more -

The Imperial Presidency at Work - New York Times

Very scary article. Wake up America. Call, write, email, visit your Senators and Representatives NOW and demand they defend the Constitution and this nation against the assualt by Bush, Cheney, et al.

Monday, January 16, 2006

TimesDispatch.com | Seven days in January

TimesDispatch.com | Seven days in January

The Times Dispatch of Richmond has a really great article all about the Harvey Murders, the other victims, Percyell and Mary Tucker, the suspects, etc. One place. Good reporting.

Crime Scene Blog

Crime Scene Blog

The story of Nixzmary Brown is really horrible. I was going to research a bit to learn all the details and found that Crime Scene Blog has one of the best on it. The horror that little 7 year old Nixzmary lived with is beyond comprehension. So many people that should have helped her didn't. From Child and Family Services to a neighbor who saw her several times in the park - not a fucking thing was done to save this child's life. As dreadful as the stepfather who actually killed her is, the mother is even worse. Nixzmary's MOTHER didn't help her. She let her husband kill her child. I am just so sick of all these women that let boyfriends and husbands kill their children. What the fuck is wrong with them? What the fuck is wrong with our world today? I am sick. Just sick. Although, reading blogs where people do care does tell me that there is still some humanity in this world.

Hey, George Bush! Instead of worrying about your plan for word domination and destroying our country, how about doing something to stop this slaughter of our promise for tomorrow????? How about it?

Crime and such

I am seriously considering taking a month news sabbatical. Okay, I will not do that. There is just so much it is overwhelming. I have been looking at some cases to go more indepth on and it does get to you. And the bullshit with Alito's nomination. Fucking fillibuster already. This man is bad news for America and doesn't belong on the Supreme Court. It makes me furious to thing that Bush will have someone on who will absolve him of his sins, and set this country back so far. ARGH!!!

But, now that I have that out of my system, back to work on the various projects I was working on before blog issues derailed me.

Finally - The Blog Works

After much frustration - since Friday I couldn't see my blog, I changed to a new floating templlate from

I love his templates - and found additional help, from Thor at http://www.bloggerforum.com/modules/newbb/index.php

I have no idea what went wrong, something apparently when I added the links for Blogrolling - which is a genius way to add links - see the link in the right sidebar. I am such a newbie at this and figuring it all out is a major headache, but, I am so thankful to all the wonderful people and services that do make it easier.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/15/2006 | Belleville mother won't face kidnap charge

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/15/2006 | Belleville mother won't face kidnap charge

Good news. Glad to see that a judge did the right thing when we here of so many that don't.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Test post

This is just a test post, nothing but a test post. Had it been a real post there would hopefully have been something more interesting here.

Daily Kos: Myopic Bush Sheds no Tears as our Arctic Disappears

Daily Kos: Myopic Bush Sheds no Tears as our Arctic Disappears

The Daily Kos has an interesting article by Tom Bell today on Climate Change and how Bush is ignoring it. This is scary stuff. Especially the following quote he uses:

Alarmed by an accelerating loss of ice in the Arctic Ocean, scientists are striving to understand why the speedup is happening and what it means for humankind.

If present trends continue, as seems likely, the sea surrounding the North Pole will be completely free of ice in the summertime within the lifetime of a child born today. The loss could point the way to radical changes in the Earth's climate and weather systems.

Some researchers, such as Ron Lindsay, an Arctic scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle, fear that the polar region already may have passed a "tipping point" from which it can't recover in the foreseeable future.

"Rapidly shrinking Arctic ice could spell trouble for the rest of the world" -- Knight Ridder 01/11/06

How on earth can anyone deny this is going on. In my own lifetime, I have seen a major change in our climate (near St. Louis). We used to have Winter. We used to have lots of snow and ice, and, while we still have some, we have no where near what we used to.

I worry so much about what my small child will have to live through. What a world.

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/13/2006 | Tough anti-meth measures to take effect

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/13/2006 | Tough anti-meth measures to take effect

Okay, I do understand the reason for this law. But, it really makes me mad that law abiding citizens who have never nor would never touch meth have to jump through hoops to get medicine. As a person with long time sinus problems married to another, although mild enough the OTC stuff does work, it is a major pain. Last summer, coming home from vacation in another state, it took almost 15 minutes for my husband to buy one of those convenience packs at a gas station. I had packed our larger package and it was buried in the trunk. The law of having people show idea, sign a list, etc. was new and the clerk and assistant mgr had never done it before. I guess instead of me buying enough for both of us, we will have to buy our own. And, you know, somehow I really don't think the dedicated meth addict is going to be detered. But, law makers can pat themselves on the back and say they did something. Whoopie.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Come on UPS

What I want to be doing is taking a nap. It is looking less and less likely as what I am actually doing is waiting on a UPS delivery. I used to not worry about it but last week I found out that a package had been stolen off our front stoop in early December. I had an order with a company I am not going to mention, since I really do like them, who had customer service problems in December. For some reason they never emailed the shipping email giving me the shipping method and a tracking number. They have a kind of vague website as far as order status goes (but really cool stuff) and the order, actually part of a larger order I got the ret of, was some shoes that shipped directly from their supplier. So, I emailed a number of times and never got an answer. Finally, I called them last week and they checked and said record showed delivered on 12/5 and left at front door by UPS. Which somehow disappeared. I show I was home that day but never heard the UPS guy leave it and it went somewhere. So, someone has the shoes. The company was cool and is replacing them. And I am REALLY glad that a) all my holiday orders came and b) I didn't know this before all of the gifts got here or I probably would have had a heart attack with worry.

What I am waiting for is some books from Amazon. But, I want my nap and time is running out for that.

TimesDispatch.com | Suspect's mother-in-law voices her suspicions

TimesDispatch.com | Suspect's mother-in-law voices her suspicions

But, this article really pisses me off. Maybe if there had been some better police work after Treva Smith was found murdered, seven other people would be alive today?

TimesDispatch.com | Deadly week in Richmond

TimesDispatch.com | Deadly week in Richmond

The -------- I have no appropriate word --- monsters? that murdered the Harvey family have apparently been caught. But, not without others dying. This link goes to a great index of all the articles on it in the Richmond Times Dispatch.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/10/2006 | Sen. Durbin offers sharp challenge to Judge Alito

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/10/2006 | Sen. Durbin offers sharp challenge to Judge Alito

Go Dick! You know, there needs to be some provision, that if a Supreme Court Justice lies to the Senate while being questioned - like he says he will recuse himself if something comes up that he has connections with - that he can then be charged and removed. This for life crap with no way to remove them, or no easy way is just bull!

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/09/2006 | Mom in limbo seeking son's custody from molester dad

Belleville News-Democrat | 01/09/2006 | Mom in limbo seeking son's custody from molester dad

This kind of thing really irks me. That poor child. Five schools in two years and a transient sex offender dad (who pled guilty!!) and the judge in Maryland can't give him to the mother. What on earth is wrong with people, what kind of idiots does Maryland have on the bench. Oh, I really hope that the mother gets custody where she lives and that the Maryland courts then go along. The child belongs with Mom and needs some permanence in his young life.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Barry Cowsill

Nola.com: NewsFlash - Katrina blamed for death of Barry Cowsill

This is so sad. He was missing,. so it really didn't look good, but, I suppose until you know for sure there is hope. I really liked the Cowsills, I had a huge crush on Barry when I was about 10. I guess no one will ever know what happened, but, I hope he didn't suffer too much. And my thoughts and prayers are with the family, as they have been since I first heard he was missing last fall.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

TimesDispatch.com | Slain family may have died from additional injuries

TimesDispatch.com | Slain family may have died from additional injuries

This article doesn't really add a whole lot, except for a picture of the family - oh my goodness - it is a picture of a lovely happy day at the beach and very hard to look at.

Harvey Family Murder Investigation Continues - The Crime library

Harvey Family Murder Investigation Continues - The Crime library

The article above gives little new information. I so hope they get the creep that did this - what word can you use to descripe the heinous monster that would kill a family like this. By all accounts, the Harveys sound like splendid people that anyone would like to know. Just thinking of this whole thing really does make me ill. Bryan Harvey and his wife Kathryn - along with the little girls, thinking of who was killed last is just so horrible to even contemplate.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

local6.com - News - Man Shoots Two Mormons Going Door To Door

local6.com - News - Man Shoots Two Mormons Going Door To Door

This is wrong. But, you have to really wonder what happened here. Did someone get offered salvation just once too often????? When this happens to you, do as I do,. just say no and close the door. This works well on the Mormans. For the Jehovah's Witnesses, I told them I was a Witch (they made me say it three times) but they RAN down the street and haven't returned in almost 10 years.

AP Wire | 01/04/2006 | 12 of 13 W. Va. miners confirmed dead

AP Wire | 01/04/2006 | 12 of 13 W. Va. miners confirmed dead

Wow, this is just.....stunning. I watched this snafu unfold on MSNBC last night and couldn't find the words. I did realize that someone should just bitchslap Rita Cosby - but, really MSNBC is just the network of strident, unpleasant people. I am not sure why I even have been watching it lately, instead of CNN - the calmer network.

Okay, I do like Chris Matthews but after watching that ignorant bitch RC harrassing the Governor of WV I decided to limit my MSNBC viewing to the occassional dose of Chris Matthews.

The poor families of those miners. As I said, I watched it but still am not sure what happened. My heart and prayers go out to them all.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Salon.com Books | Reformed school girl

Salon.com Books | Reformed school girl

Here's a link to a more indepth article about My Fundamentalist Education on Salon.com

Yeah, I know it is Salon Premium but if you aren't a member I think you can watch an ad or something to read it and the other great content free. But, you could do what I do and subscribe. It is so worth it!

Amazon.com: My Fundamentalist Education: Books

This is the next book I will be buying - it sounds really good. There is a link to purchase it on the left and I thank anyone who uses it - it will help me get the book that much quicker.

- "Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Rosen (Preaching Eugenics), a fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, knows her King James Bible backward and forward. For this she thanks the fundamentalist school she attended from kindergarten until eighth grade, when her parents finally figured out 'what we were learning about television, and movies, and, most important, about men and women.' In many respects Keswick Christian School in the 1980s was like fabled Catholic schools of the 1950s: misbehaving students were paddled, girls forced to kneel on the floor to check skirt lengths, boys and girls required to keep a respectful six-inch distance from one another. But to Keswick students, Catholics and even some Protestants weren't true Christians, and it was incumbent upon the children to learn 'strict morals and Bible belief' and then to 'witness' to playmates and families. Alas, writes Rosen, 'by the close of third grade, I found I'd not yet converted a single living soul.' While young Christine was absorbing an ascetic worldview, her erratic mother was discovering—and unsuccessfully trying to interest her daughter in—Pentecostal fervor. Although today Rosen lives 'an entirely secular life,' her tone is affectionate rather than critical, and her subtle humor and ironically accurate descriptions will appeal to others with stringent religious backgrounds. (Jan.)
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
Rosen, an author (Preaching Eugenics, 2004) and fellow of the Ethics & Public Policy Center in Washington, grew up in a Fundamentalist Christian community in seventies and eighties Florida. In this poignant, unsparing, and funny memoir, she recounts the years between preschool and seventh grade, during which she attended a strict, religious school; embraced Bible teachings; entertained fantasies of becoming a missionary; and anxiously looked for signs of the End Days and the Antichrist. (Ronald Wilson Reagan, whose name contains three parts of six letters each, doesn't escape her suspicion.) Rosen speaks frankly about her growing disenchantment with patriarchal doctrines that ultimately contributed to her break with Fundamentalism, and she allows that, as a preteen girl, 'perhaps I would have done better hearing more about Darwin and less about harlotry.' Still, she speaks with moving appreciation about her religious education's great rewards, and as she pursues direct questions about belief--'How enduring is childhood faith?'--she makes sharp observations about the experience of childhood and how young people learn about the world. Gillian Engberg
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved"

GOP Leaders Seek Distance From Abramoff

GOP Leaders Seek Distance From Abramoff

I really hope that this is the beginning of the end of the current majority party.

Coming to the Hill: lots of hearing-room drama | csmonitor.com

Coming to the Hill: lots of hearing-room drama | csmonitor.com

Can we hope that Congress has finally grown some?

Harvey Family Murders Hit the Blogosphere - The Crime library

Harvey Family Murders Hit the Blogosphere - The Crime library

Here is a link to a really good piece on the Harvey Murders. Steve Huff realy rocks. I like his blog, The Dark Side of Planet Huff a great deal and you can read it here - He is so good at True Crime blogging - the king. He really researches well and for a long time I figured why blog myself when Steve does it so nicely. I finally decided to add my voice, but I still really admire his.

Nancy Grace did a good show on this tonight. Part of her show was on the trapped miners, another sad current event. The second part was about the Harvey Murders. Didn't really learn much I didn't know, but, she covered it well.

Testing out this new feature

Just a little test of the Blog This button I just added to my toolbar

Murder Grief and Mystery

I have been interested in crime for ages. I can't even recall just when. I think it started when I was around junior high age and borrowed paperbacks from one of my aunts. Now, I have no idea what the first book I read was, but, I just know I have always been fascinated by what people can do to other people. I can't imagine killing someone,. yet so many people kill others.

I will be listing some of my favorite true crime blogs.

A new case that saddens and yet fascinates me is the killing of the Harvey Family in Virginia (click here http://www.timesdispatch.com/
and then click on the article Murder, Grief and Mystery (I haven't figured out how to use a large url for a link)
for an article on this case from the Richmond Times Dispatch. Bryan Harvey and his wife Kathryn, along with their two little girls were found dead in their home, bound and with their throats slashed. WTF!! Who would do this to a family. I don't have words to express my outrage, but, I know this is a case I will be following.

Welcome to The Blog of Crackers!

Thanks for stopping by! The Blog of Crackers owes the name to my young daughter who was helping me muse some titles for this blog. I have wanted to start one for some time, a blog to share my thoughts and opinions about news, current events, and true crime with the world. Alas, all my first choice names were already taken, hence the session of thinking up a title. She threw out The Blog of Crackers being silly. But, as my husband says, it does say so much.

This week is getting started week, and I will be working on it daily, sometimes multiple times.