I got it from Thor's Templates, which are the best anywhere! Check my links for the link ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

White House Finds Humor in Hunting Mishap - Yahoo! News

White House Finds Humor in Hunting Mishap - Yahoo! News

This is just outrageous. You don't have to think too hard to realize something just is wrong here.

No one who "accidently" shot their fellow hunter would have been allowed to evade sheriff's deputies investigating the case for so long. Was Cheney drunk? It is really hard to come to any other conclusion.

And I personally am appalled that Secret Service agents who are supposed to protect Cheney from physical harm are/did participate in helping him cover up a crime. This has to be far outside their job description and the agents who partipated should be prosecuted along with Cheney.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Libby plot thickens: Who told whom to do what? | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The Libby plot thickens: Who told whom to do what? | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Interesting. Who would the Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby's superiors be? I can't wait to see this one play out. But, I am heartened that this story is getting much deserved overage in the MSM.

I was a teen during Watergate. Hmmm, make that a very young teen when it happened. The unfolding scandal was a current event during my high school years and as such was a number one topic in current event and government classes. I developed a respect of our press and pride that in America, no one was above the law. That fine investigative journalists stood at the ready (and lived for) digging out the truth.

The past six years have greatly changed that view. Seeing network nightly news has been an incredible experience. The passes the press has given the Bush Administration, which I think is far more corrupt than any other in our nation's history has been just jaw dropping. The whole deal of what the Republican Party has turned into is incredible.

Watching the press and the right wing go after the Clinton's for utter bullshit and turning a blind eye to the high crimes and misdemeanors of the Bush regime is amazing. I really hope they are waking up. That the press, and the average person who has been voting Republican will wake up, however, as much as I want this to happen, I am really worried that if too many get a clue at once, that the atmospheric changes caused by a large number of people all pulling their heads out of their A$$es at once might do serious damage. However, I am willing to take that risk.

Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter in Mishap on a Texas Ranch - New York Times

Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter in Mishap on a Texas Ranch - New York Times

I buy it. Not! Something about this whole story stinks to high heavens! I wonder what chance there is that the truth about Dick Cheny's shooting this man will come out. Probably slim and none, but, once again I hope that the MSM will be on this and stay on it. I keep waiting for MSM to grow a pair.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

And The Winner Is

Reporting is probably a very difficult job. Crime reporting is probably the most difficult. This is my opinion and one I am too lazy this morning to research. But, I think it is difficult and for the most part I give crime reporters a lot of credit and thanks for getting information on a subject I have a great interest in. On missing person cases, I am always happy to see any coverage.,

However, there are times when you really just want to slap someone who asks a really stupid question. I always wonder why. What were they thinking? This seems to happen most often on cable news (mmmmm., a topic for another rant). But, today I found a real doozy by Carolyn P Smith of the Belleville (IL) News Democrat.

First, the link. http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/13853767.htm

The story is about the case of Anquiatte Parker and Cermen "C.J." Toney, who have been missing in the East St. Louis area since November 6, 2005. Ms. Parker was seven months pregnant and was babysitting her four year old cousin when they both disappeared. (This is another case that has not gotten much if any media attention nationally as they aren't pretty young white girls,.but, I digress).

Police have a possible person of interest, an unidentified person of whom they have an eyewitness sketch that was seen near Ms. Parker's car, which was found near the VFW in Fairmont City, IL (near East St. Louis).

The article is about ongoing police efforts in the case.

"From 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Saturday, about 10 Illinois State Police agents, and volunteers from the State Park, Mitchell and Caseyville fire departments used backhoes and a cadaver dog to search for Parker and Toney.

Lt. Greg Fernandez, who is heading up the team, said, "We've never stopped looking for them." (emphasis added)

Okay, now, Ms. Smith, the reporter, then not only asked one of the stupidest questions ever, she was proud enough of it to include it in her story (of course had she not, we wouldn't know about this).

Back to the story -

"We did lots of digging," Walker said. "The volunteers out here with us donated their time and equipment to help us."

Fernandez said the backhoes were donated by McClair Asphalt Co. in Fairmont City and C. Grantham Co. in Casevyille.

"Without this assistance, it would be much harder. We're very appreciative to the volunteers and donors who have willingly worked with us," Fernandez said. The cadaver dog, named Candy, was donated for the search by Brad Stahlman from Quest Search and Recovery in Union, Mo."

Informative, but this is followed by this gem.

"He said the areas where the men dug were "places of interest." When asked whether he was looking for bodies or live individuals, Fernandez said: "When we do searches like this, we are looking for recoveries." (emphasis is again, mine).

WTF??????????? They are digging in the ground, they are using backhoes and a CADAVER dog, for crying out loud. Why would anyone ask if they are digging for live individuals??? Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn!! This is so stupid I really don't know what else to say. Anyone reading the article should have figured that out right away. You not only insult your reader, but, you know the family of the missing persons are reading every word written in a case like this where little is.

As a result of this article I have decided to award the first Cracked Award in the category of Media's Stupidest Moments (MSM) to Carolyn P. Smith. The Cracked Awards are a new award I just dreamed up for idiots in the news. You just know there will be plenty of contenders.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Lufkin man accused of torturing stepson for 1 1/2 years

Lufkin man accused of torturing stepson for 1 1/2 years

Another story where the so called mother allowed this to happen.

" In one incident detailed in an arrest affidavit, Thomas allegedly tied the boys' arms and legs to a bed with dog leashes for leaving his backpack where the dog could reach it. Thomas then allegedly beat the boy across the stomach, holding a pillow over his face as his mother watched, Cross said."

At least this case has a better ending. When the little boy told his teacher, she reported it and the child was removed from the home and is in foster care. Hopefully, his so called mother and her spouse will never be allowed anywhere near him again, and they both get the max - 20 years.

WCBSTV.com: Your Source For New York News, Weather, Sports & Traffic: Cops: 4-Year-Old Murdered Over A Knocked-Over TV

WCBSTV.com: Your Source For New York News, Weather, Sports & Traffic: Cops: 4-Year-Old Murdered Over A Knocked-Over TV

Another monster killed a little boy while the so called mother did nothing. WTF is wrong with people? And, yet again, teachers had reported the family to Child and Family Services as the "sisters came to school hungry and dirty, if they showed up at all."As mad as these cows who breed then watch their lovers/boyfriends/husbands murder their children and do nothing, I am also angry at the people who are supposed to help them.

pitch.com | News | Always Low, Always

pitch.com | News | Always Low, Always

I used to shop at Wal-Mart. At least twice a month, maybe more. We bought all our household stuff and then some there. I am proud to say that I have not been in Wal-Mart this year. My husband has been once, to return a rug I bought in October. I decided that even though I liked the color and the rug, I just couldn't use it. It had sat unopened since the day I bought it. I haven't been in a Wal-Mart since before the holidays. This year only a couple things were bought at Wal-Mart. Two wish list items for the Wild Child that were out everywhere else. I really regret caving every time I see the toys. And since the two items were her most favorite I see them a lot.

On the other hand, we actually began weaning off Wal-Mart last summer and I feel good about that. I can find everything we need elsewhere. And, I have learned that Target has either the same prices on items we buy, or lower! One surprising result of stopping shopping at Wal-Mart is, I think we are buying less. Less impulse buying I suppose. And I actually enjoy shopping more. I guess it is because a) Target Stores are nicer than Wal-Mart. (There is a major difference in the employees. The employees at Target actually seem to like their jobs, like helping customers and provide, oh can it be, CUSTOMER SERVICE?) b) while the majority of household stuff comes from Target, I am shopping around more. We have started buying more from a locally owned Ace Hardware. And crafty/arty stuff from a local store. But, we are exploring more and finding that Wal-Mart isn't always cheaper!!! It might take longer to shop, but, it is more fun. And we feel better about not contributing to the whole evil empire that is Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Evangelicals Branch Out Politically - Los Angeles Times

Evangelicals Branch Out Politically - Los Angeles Times

I just knew there had to be decent Christians in this country. This article is very heartwarming. I hope this movement succeeds and replaces idiots like Pat Robertson and his ilk - and the evil right wing radicals that are so determined to destory this once great nation.