I got it from Thor's Templates, which are the best anywhere! Check my links for the link ...

Monday, January 30, 2006

State of the Union Fantasy Again

Hah - I liked this post so much when I wrote it last week, I am moving it up. It's that good.

When Bush gives his State of the Union Address, here is what I want to happen. When he tells his first lie, let it go. When he tells his second, (and you know he will) I want a couple of Democrats to snicker. Laugh. Chuckle. Then I want it to spread, let all the Democrats, both House and Senate just Laugh out Loud. I mean Rolling on Floor Laughing out Loud. Then I want them to all wallk out in mass. I want half or more of the media filiming it to be so shocked they stop covering the speech and turn and follow the politicans out to find out why. Then they carry their comments live on TV, leaving Fox to cover Bush who is gasping and stunned and no longer able to talk properly, but he resorts to cursing and swearing. That's all.

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