I got it from Thor's Templates, which are the best anywhere! Check my links for the link ...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Crime Scene Blog

Crime Scene Blog

The story of Nixzmary Brown is really horrible. I was going to research a bit to learn all the details and found that Crime Scene Blog has one of the best on it. The horror that little 7 year old Nixzmary lived with is beyond comprehension. So many people that should have helped her didn't. From Child and Family Services to a neighbor who saw her several times in the park - not a fucking thing was done to save this child's life. As dreadful as the stepfather who actually killed her is, the mother is even worse. Nixzmary's MOTHER didn't help her. She let her husband kill her child. I am just so sick of all these women that let boyfriends and husbands kill their children. What the fuck is wrong with them? What the fuck is wrong with our world today? I am sick. Just sick. Although, reading blogs where people do care does tell me that there is still some humanity in this world.

Hey, George Bush! Instead of worrying about your plan for word domination and destroying our country, how about doing something to stop this slaughter of our promise for tomorrow????? How about it?

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