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Friday, February 03, 2006

pitch.com | News | Always Low, Always

pitch.com | News | Always Low, Always

I used to shop at Wal-Mart. At least twice a month, maybe more. We bought all our household stuff and then some there. I am proud to say that I have not been in Wal-Mart this year. My husband has been once, to return a rug I bought in October. I decided that even though I liked the color and the rug, I just couldn't use it. It had sat unopened since the day I bought it. I haven't been in a Wal-Mart since before the holidays. This year only a couple things were bought at Wal-Mart. Two wish list items for the Wild Child that were out everywhere else. I really regret caving every time I see the toys. And since the two items were her most favorite I see them a lot.

On the other hand, we actually began weaning off Wal-Mart last summer and I feel good about that. I can find everything we need elsewhere. And, I have learned that Target has either the same prices on items we buy, or lower! One surprising result of stopping shopping at Wal-Mart is, I think we are buying less. Less impulse buying I suppose. And I actually enjoy shopping more. I guess it is because a) Target Stores are nicer than Wal-Mart. (There is a major difference in the employees. The employees at Target actually seem to like their jobs, like helping customers and provide, oh can it be, CUSTOMER SERVICE?) b) while the majority of household stuff comes from Target, I am shopping around more. We have started buying more from a locally owned Ace Hardware. And crafty/arty stuff from a local store. But, we are exploring more and finding that Wal-Mart isn't always cheaper!!! It might take longer to shop, but, it is more fun. And we feel better about not contributing to the whole evil empire that is Wal-Mart.

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