After Gay Marriage, Polygamy Activism Rises - Newsweek Society -
After Gay Marriage, Polygamy Activism Rises - Newsweek Society - The above link is to an interesting article on a movement to legalize polygamy. I support this. I am not a polygamist and have no desire to be one. I also oppose my dear husband being one,. but, as in the subject of gay marriage. Who cares? It really doesn't have an impact on me, but, why can't people live life as they wish. If all the wives (or husbands, I support one wife/multiple husbands as well) agree, and the husband and wives can support themselves and their offspring, I say Go For It!!! It is going to happen anyway. And I think legalizing it,. and legalizing marriage among more than one partner is important for the extra spouses. As it stands, spouse number one has the legal rights, the others don't and I think they should all have the same rights. I watched the premiere of Big Love last night on HBO, and really enjoyed it. If you like shows like Desperate Housewives, I think you will enjoy this as well. It is a good drama and I look forward to it having a long run. I am a fan of DH and this is on right after, so it is just fine for me. I don't care for Grey's Anatomy. I have tried but just can't get into that. With West Wing, then Desperate Housewives and now Big Love, Sunday is my TVnight. But back to Big Love. (I love the title!) Already, I find myself rooting for the Boss Wife, wife number one as she is called by wife number 2. Wife number 2 is shaping up to be the unlikeable one, and the hubby's dad, who is apparently himself a polygamist with an unknown number of wives is shaping up to be the one we love to hate. Big Love has interesting, likeable characters who are quite unlike anyone I know, although at the same time, as people they are like me and people I know. And it has humor - a polygamist with three wives who becomes impotent. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very funny and when he finally gets some little blue pills the wife of the night is tired and rolls over leaving him with a big woody. More Big Love!!!!! |